How To Survive And Thrive this Holiday Season
lifestyle Katie Wilson lifestyle Katie Wilson

How To Survive And Thrive this Holiday Season

What is it about the holiday season that gets us all in a tizzy? Buying gifts, parties, Christmas shopping, preparing feasts, visiting family, one-too-many wines, road trips….

Although it is an exciting time of the year for celebration, joy and getting together with those we love, the holiday season can bring with it a lot of stress and some bad habits that can be hard to kick in the new year.

Surviving the holiday season with your health in-tact starts with planning for success and be prepared for what may get thrown your way.

I have put together “A Naturopath’s guide to hacking the holidays”, so you come out the other side happy, healthy and thriving.

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Brassica Salad - Why we love these veggies
Nutrition, Hormone Health, Women's Health Katie Wilson Nutrition, Hormone Health, Women's Health Katie Wilson

Brassica Salad - Why we love these veggies

Brassica vegetables, also known as cruciferous vegetables, are my all time favourite foods to incorporate into the diet as nutritional medicine.

Its includes vegetables such as; Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collard greens, kale, turnips, radish, horseradish, wasabi, watercress, bok choy and mustard greens.

They are known to help combat a range of health concerns, including hormone imbalance, PMS, skin concerns, cancer, and contain an array of nutrients including like vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, maganese, beta-carotene, potassium and glucosinolates. Brassica vegetables are also a great source of soluble fiber.

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Autumn pumpkin soup
Nutrition Katie Wilson Nutrition Katie Wilson

Autumn pumpkin soup

With our days getting shorter and evenings getting cosier, Autumn is upon us, and it's time to start preparing for the change of season.

That means eating seasonally and locally which means you pay less and support your local growers!

Root veggies are great for nourishing soups and stews. One of my favourite soups to make is pumpkin soup.

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