Naturopathy &

Herbal Medicine


Holistic Personalised Healthcare

Options to suit your needs, health goals and budget.


Initial naturopathic consultations

Health basics

This "no-frills" consultation is for those who want basic health and wellness advice. Great for those with small health concerns, symptoms, or on a limited budget. 

This 1-hour consultation allows us to discuss your main concern and health goal. Before the consultation, you will receive documents to fill out as pre-consultation preparation. At the end of the consultation, the main recommendations will be summarised including nutritional and lifestyle recommendation, as well as any recommended supplementation and herbal medicine which you can purchase at the clinic. You take your own notes.

For more complex health conditions and concerns, or to receive an in-depth Wellness Plan PDF, please consider the "Comprehensive Wellness" consultation.

Investment: $150

Comprehensive wellness

In this one and a half-hour consultation, I will ask you in-depth questions about yourself and your health history to get the whole picture of your health and wellbeing. We will discuss your main concerns as well as your health goals. 

Before the consultation, you will receive documents to fill out as pre-consultation preparation.

After the consultation, you will receive a personalised wellness plan that includes at least 3 nutritional recommendations and 3 lifestyle interventions, as well as recommended supplementation and herbal medicine, and any extra recommendations. 

Your personalised herbal formula can be purchased in clinic.

This is the first phase of the treatment plan and will be developed on as we progress.

Investment: $195


*Online Zoom consultations are available

*afterpay available for consultation when purchased via the online Store

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follow up consultation

This 45-minute consultation is a follow up to see how you are progressing in your wellness plan, as well as looking at any areas that may need adjusting. 

At this time we may also move onto the next phase of the treatment plan and get a top-up of your herbal formula. 


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Herbal Medicine consultation

Want a personalised herbal formula and other herbal medicine recommendations without the full naturopathy appointment?

This is a 60-minute consultation to discuss your concerns and health, and then receive your personalised herbal formula unique for you as well as any other recommended herbal medicine options appropriate to you (not included in consult price).


*afterpay available through the online Store

Express Zoom consult

15-20 minute Express Zoom consultation to discuss your immediate health concerns. 

Receive individualised advice and prescriptions for nutritional supplements and herbal medicine.  



3 - month preconception package

At least 3 months of preconception care is recommended for anyone planning a pregnancy to ensure the best health for you and your baby.

This package is for those planning a pregnancy in the near future, or who have been trying unsuccessfully and confused about their fertility and would like answers.

Review your current state of health, hormones, receive recommendations of testing, nutrition advice, supplements and herbal medicine recommendations in an in-depth consultation and Conception Plan. Learn about how to track your cycle, predict and observe ovulation and know your fertile window (when you can get pregnant). Remember it takes two to tango. Quality of sperm is also crucial for a healthy baby. This is why it is recommended that both parties partake in a 3 month preconception plan.

Single/Female (60min initial consult, plus 2x follow ups): $310

Couples (90min initial consult, plus 2x follow ups): $410

Journey memberships

Journey memberships mean that you stay supported and guided while you embark on your health and wellness journey.

With monthly consultations and wellness plan updates, you get to work in a step-by-step process that is realistic and achievable for your lifestyle and your budget.

Get discounts off products and treatments with The Modern Naturopath that will help you work toward your health goals.

PLUS, discounts from local businesses that are health conscious and aligned with our values to add more benefits to your membership to shop with other small businesses.

Invest in your health, invest in your wellbeing and join the journey.




3-month journey to health

If you’re looking to begin your wellness journey, this 3 month plan offers regular support and guidance to get you on track with your health. Great for those with acute conditions or wanting to kick-start their wellness.


-Comprehensive initial naturopathic consultation

-Personalised Wellness plan

-Two-week follow-up after initial consultation

-2 monthly follow-up consultations

-Monthly Wellness plan updates

-5% off massage & body treatments with The Modern Naturopath

-5% off prescribed practitioner only supplements

Investment: $399


6-month journey to health

The ultimate membership plan for those ready to invest in the health and wellness. Receive education, support and guidance while working toward becoming the master of your own health. Perfect for those with chronic conditions, fertility support, trying to loose weight or needing extra motivation.


-Comprehensive initial naturopathic consultation

-Personalised Wellness plan

-Two-week follow-up after initial consultation

-5 monthly follow-up consultations

-Monthly Wellness plan updates

-10% off massage & body treatments with The Modern Naturopath

-10% off prescribed practitioner only supplements

Investment: $599

(Note; a 50% deposit is require at time of booking)

Not sure what consultation is right for you?

want to know more about naturopathy and how it can benefit you?

Book a free Discover Call