Brassica Salad - Why we love these veggies
Nutrition, Hormone Health, Women's Health Katie Wilson Nutrition, Hormone Health, Women's Health Katie Wilson

Brassica Salad - Why we love these veggies

Brassica vegetables, also known as cruciferous vegetables, are my all time favourite foods to incorporate into the diet as nutritional medicine.

Its includes vegetables such as; Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collard greens, kale, turnips, radish, horseradish, wasabi, watercress, bok choy and mustard greens.

They are known to help combat a range of health concerns, including hormone imbalance, PMS, skin concerns, cancer, and contain an array of nutrients including like vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, maganese, beta-carotene, potassium and glucosinolates. Brassica vegetables are also a great source of soluble fiber.

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Functions Of The Liver
Detoxification, Hormone Health Katie Wilson Detoxification, Hormone Health Katie Wilson

Functions Of The Liver

Healthy functioning detoxification pathways are essential for the body. The liver plays a crucial role in detoxifying toxins, as well as a range of essential functions, and is the largest organ in the body and arguably one of the most important.

Many signs and symptoms are seen in the clinic come back to sluggish or compromised liver function.

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