Functions Of The Liver

Healthy functioning detoxification pathways is essential for the body. The liver plays a crucial role in detoxifying toxins, as well as a range of other essential functions. It is the largest organ in the body and arguably one of the most important.

Many signs and symptoms seen in the clinic come back to sluggish or compromised liver function.

The liver metabolises and excretes waste products such as toxins, drugs and hormones through the process of detoxification which involves filtering and neutralising toxic substances to be removed from the body.

Liver detoxification has two phases, each require specific nutrients to function correctly. When these pathways are impaired, of the toxic load is too great, we can see a range of effects on the rest of the body.

Signs and symptoms of impaired liver function:

-Acne and skin problems


-Blood sugar imbalances

-Low energy and fatigue

-Brain fog

-Mood swings, depression & anger

-Digestive issues like bloating, discomfort and malabsorption

Tips for Liver Health:

-Cruciferous vegetables stimulate hepatic metabolism of excess hormones, including androgens. Broccoli, cauliflower, kale, bok choy and cabbage.

-Chia seeds- Optimal levels of essential fatty acid (30%), alpha-linolenic acid (ALA).

-Flaxseeds- Dietary fibre, alpha-linolenic acid and phyto-oestrogenic lignans for hormonal regulation, with ground flaxseed being more bioavailable.

-Antioxidants – Reduce inflammatory damage in the liver. Include garlic, onions, cabbage, brussels sprouts, apples, broccoli, berries, grapes, citrus, peppermint, cumin.

-Vitamin E - found in green and yellow vegetables.

-Herbal teas – Such as dandelion root coffee.

-Culinary herbs- Turmeric, cumin, fenugreek, rosemary and sage.

-Where possible, eat organic or grow your own to reduce harmful sprays and pesticides.

-Limit processed foods high in preservatives, refined sugars, fat and salt.

-Reduce caffeine, coffee and alcohol intake.

-Avoid harsh household cleaning, beauty and make-up products.

-Drink at least 2 litres of water per day to assist detoxification.

-Exercise and sweat regularly.

If you are suspect your liver needs some extra help, book a consultation to discuss a personalised liver health plan.

Also consider having liver function and detoxification pathways checked by doing a comprehensive "Dutch test", to see what is happening in the liver with hormones detoxification. This way we take out the guess work and have the results to make an informed treatment plan.

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