What is endometriosis?


March is Endometriosis awareness month, and this is a topic that definitely needs more awareness.

What is endometriosis?

The uterus contains endometrial tissue which thickens and sheds along with our menstrual cycle.

In endometriosis, the endometrial tissue grows outside of the uterus (e.g fallopian tubes, bowel and even been found in the lungs and brain). It is believed to be driven by high oestrogen levels. This tissue still responds to the fluctuations of hormones and still bleeds, causing excruciating pain.

Endometrial lessions (Medexpert).

Endometrial lessions (Medexpert).

One in ten women suffers from endometriosis with a range of symptoms and severity of stages. The most common being painful periods and other times of the month, also pain in the lower back, IBS-like symptoms, pain with sex, PMS, anxiety, depression, infertility, and abnormal bleeding.

Sadly, the average length for diagnosis is 10 YEARS. Meaning a woman has to deal with these symptoms for far too long before she is taken seriously and further investigations are made.

A laparoscopy (keyhole surgery into the abdomen), is both the diagnosis method and the surgical treatment to remove endometrial lesions. Also, pain medications, hormonal contraception, and anti-depressants are given. Unfortunately, these only mask the symptoms and do not deal with the cause.

A number of herbal medicines and naturopathic interventions have been researched for the treatment of endo with positive study outcomes. As well as helping to reduce the symptoms, we can also work to reduce endometriosis lesions and balance oestrogen.

My wish is that no girl or woman suffers for 10 years and told their pain is lesser or imaginary.

There is help ❤️


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